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Res2dinv Keygen Generator Download

Prosys II The PROSYS II software is a program allowing to transfer, edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data of the IRIS Instruments resistivity-meters (SYSCAL) and IP receivers (ELREC). The main functions of the PROSYS II software are the following ones: ● Data download ● Numeric and graphic presentation (raw parameters, resistivity, chargeability,) ● Processing (filter on threshold values, apply a sliding or median average, reject a node, reject the gapfiller quadripoles, create a batch file with a specific filtering to apply to a set of files,) ● Topography insertion ● Plot of the apparent resistivity and chargeability sections ● Export to various formats (″txt″, Res2dinv,) and visualization of the exported files. Electre Pro The ELECTRE Pro software is a program allowing to create some 2D-3D-surface/boreholes sequences of measurement for IRIS Instruments SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meters.

Fieldview FieldView is a PC software allowing to retrieve data in real time from a resistivity-meter Syscal Pro / Elrec Pro Switch type. This allows a real time display of the apparent resistivity pseudo-section and also a possibility in the same time to store the data set in the PC in a file readable by the IRIS Instruments Prosys II software So, FieldView allows to have a direct data quality control, in the field, and then, to react quickly in case of the measurements don’t match the user’s requirements. Comsys Pro The COMSYS Pro software is a program allowing to control a SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meter in multi-electrode mode, from a PC. S Everest Ultimate Edition Serial Key there. FullwaveDesigner FullWaveDesigner software is a PC software allowing to design your own survey with Fullwaver systems. Place rapidly your systems on a georeferenced map, locate your V-Fullwavers electrodes and injection places. Check that the maximal investigation depth corresponds to the one of the target. Create rapidly images and schemes for your reports and export a datasheet containing all electrodes location for a quick and accurate setup by low qualified staff.

Res2dinv Keygen Generator Download

● Allow to design your survey on a grid ● Visualize electrode location on google Earth ● Check that the location is accessible ● Visualize report points ● Compute report points, depths of investigation and geometric factors ● Check that you reach your target ● Generate a datasheet with the electrode coordinates. Sysmar The SYSMAR software is an acquisition and picturing program designed to manage resistivity surveys in continuous mode, such as in marine applications. The resistivity-meter devoted to perform such survey is the SYSCAL Pro unit. Thanks to its 10 reception channels, the SYSCAL Pro allows to obtain simultaneously 10 resistivity data points corresponding to 10 depth levels. The short current injection time (150 ms) allows to record a set of 10 resistivities very quickly; in case of a GPS/Sounder recording during the profile, the acquisition step is about 2 s.

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Prodiviner Designed by IRIS INSTRUMENTS, 'Prodiviner' is the data acquisition software for the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system, called NUMIS. The various type of system (NUMIS – NUMIS Plus – Numis Lite) can be driven by this software. Developed under the Windows 32 bits platform, it assumes the acquisition function together with the real time display of field measurements. During measurement, the communication with the field PC is assumed by a serial link cable (RS232-type) to connect to a communication port of the PC.

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