
Daria Restoration Project

New York's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) helps communities identify, evaluate, preserve, and revitalize their historic, archeological, and cultural resources. The SHPO administers programs authorized by both the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980. These programs, including the Statewide Historic Resources Survey, the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places, the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit, the Certified Local Government program, the state historic preservation grants program, state and federal environmental review, and a wide range of technical assistance, are provided through a network of teams assigned to territories across the state. The SHPO works with governments, the public, and educational and not-for-profit organizations to raise historic preservation awareness, to instill in New Yorkers a sense of pride in the state's unique history and to encourage heritage tourism and community revitalization.

Daria Koscinski, PhD Conservation Biology Position: Office: Phone: Fax: Email: Assistant Professor Biological & Geological Sciences 3045 (519) 661-2111 x 86491 519 661-3935 Daria teaches Special Topics in Restoration Ecology (Bio3222F), a unique Community Service Learning Course (CSL). CSL is 'an educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional learning activities. Within effective CSL efforts, members of both educational institutions and community organizations work together toward outcomes that are mutually beneficial' (Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning).

Each year the class works with different local community partners. The course looks at restoration ecology in theory and in practice. Topics covered include ecosystem functioning, ecological relationships at various spatial scales as they apply to restoration, invasive species management, reclamation of contaminated sites, restoration of various types of ecosystems (e.g. Forest, tallgrass prairie, wetland), value of ecosystem services, financial and practical considerations in ecological restoration projects. Daria uses case studies as examples, with a focus on local restoration projects.

Local experts are featured as guest lecturers. The main evaluations are based on a group project. Daria is also Conservation Property Manager at Thames Talbot Land Trust (TTLT), a local not-for-profit dedicated to the protection of lands and waters with significant natural, recreational, scenic, historical or agricultural value. Daria plans and implements stewardship and restoration work at TTLT's properties and participates in a variety of outreach and educational programs across the region. Lily King Euphoria Reviews Of Bio. Degrees and Institutions • PhD: Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON (2008) • MSc: Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, ON (2003) • BSc Honours: Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, ON (2000).

Daria Restoration Project

Daria Restoration Project: daria. Not that I'm aware of, the movies had much more extensive cuts, parts of scenes chopped up etc, it would take much more time to do it.

Daria Restoration Project