Multiplayer Pool Game Scripting Language
I want to create a trivia game for my website. The graphic design does not have to be too fancy, probably no more advanced than a typical flash game. It needs to be secure because I want users to be able to play for real money. It also needs to run fast so users don't spend their time frustrated with game freezing. Compatibility, as with almost all online products, is key because of the large target market. I am most acquainted with Java programming, but I don't want to do it in Java if there is something much better.
I am assuming I will have to utilize a variety of different languages in order for everything to come together. If someone could point out the main structure of everything so I could get a good start that would be great!
• Language choice for simple secure online multiplayer games? • Perhaps use a database like MySQL, stored on a secure server for the trivia questions? • Free educational resources and even simpler projects to practice? Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful. I think most would agree with me that security is almost completely unrelated to the programming language you develop a project in. Security is mostly achieved by having a well thought security-centric architecture, proven crypto where needed and a good management of secret information (such as crypto keys).
Designing a secure system is not trivial, and there are no recipes for it. As I said before, security is not a programming language, a platform or a set of tools. You can say you make a program in C++, deploy it on OpenBSD, and have RSA all over the place, yet have holes big enough to drive trucks through.
Describes GridMate, Lumberyard's networking subsystem, and contains topics on multiplayer setup, the session service, controlling bandwidth usage, and synchronizing game state using the GridMate replica framework. Describes the Lumberyard physics system and how to interact with the physics engine. What scripting language should I choose for my game? Scripting for a C#, multiplayer game. Are any scripting languages designed to be reloaded at runtime?

In ultra-broad terms, designing secure client-server applications comes down to: a. Anything that effects the data (such as scores, etc.) must be calculated on the server.
Design your application so even a user with access to your source code cannot act improperly. Use high grade symmetric encryption (such as AES, or Blowfish) for communication between the server and client, with key exchange with a good public key crypto algorithm, such as RSA. Encryption between trusted components is unnecessary. Make sure your network is well designed. For example, the database server should be on a private network, only visible by the game server. Good firewall rules and router settings should complement everything. Make sure all your keys and passwords are secure and well kept.
What good is an ultra-secure system, whose admin password is qwertyuiop? Remember, the security of a system is that of its weakest link. So basically, you should always assume the worst for every line of code you write.
If this is your first time designing a secure system, I'd advice you either get some experience with other test systems, or get somebody to help you design it. Your need for it to run fast and have high compatibility point to writing it in regular HTML and avoiding the likes of Flash and Java (applets) for this. If you haven't written any HTML before, you're in for a long road and yes you will need to utilize a variety of languages (HTML, JavaScript, CSS). If you have the server hosting, I recently found which I think is really neat - it will facilitate true real-time communication between the browser and your server.
Otherwise, if you want to only use your web server, then you'd need to write a system probably based on polling, and the backend would most likely be PHP pages. It wouldn't be true real time but it could be close enough. It's interesting you mention real money upfront though. That seems to raise the stakes a lot. You will then need to deal with APIs of your virtual money systems (Google Checkout, etc.), make sure your system is airtight from hackers and scams and such, design your game in such a way that seems fair to the players, eliminate cheating in every way possible. It complicates the whole thing, honestly, and I think it's much too early to rush into something with no knowledge with a goal of making money.
But if you're determined, I can only stand aside and wish you the best of luck in your adventure. I have some experience with HTML, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and Java. I have not messed too much with CSS, but I believe that is for layout properties?
And in regards to money, I agree I am no position to set up such a site. I just wanted to get a gist of what I am getting into and a better view of what I need to work towards.
If I can just get a simple game going, then I can slowly improve on it and then when I am feeling ready, then I will develop my commercial version or what not. Thanks for your suggestions, I will definitely check out socket.IO.I definitely want it in true RT as possible. – Feb 16 '11 at 3:08.
• Describes a variety of AI features that process navigation and individual and group behaviors, and describes convenient tools such as a Visual AI debugger, behavior tree visual editor, and a visual flow graph editor. • Contains tools to create both linear (video) and interactive animation. Interactive animation conveys AI and avatar (player) behavior, with sequences dependent on player choices in gameplay. • Use the asset builder API to develop a custom asset builder that can process any number of asset types, generate outputs, and return the results to the asset processor for further processing.
A custom builder can be especially useful in a large project that has custom asset types. • AZ Code Generator is a command line utility that generates source code (or any data or text) from specially tagged source code. You can use it when the structure of the intended code is known in advance. • AZ modules are new, Amazon-created code libraries that plug into Lumberyard games and tools. These AZ modules implement specific initialization functions. When a Lumberyard application starts, it loads each AZ module and calls the corresponding initialization functions.
• Cloud Canvas is Lumberyard's technology for connecting your game to Amazon Web Services. With Cloud Canvas, you can use AWS to implement cloud-hosted features and create asynchronous multiplayer games.
Using AWS means you no longer have to acquire, configure, or operate host servers to implement connected gameplay. • The component entity system is a new Amazon-created way of creating components that is superior to (and that will eventually replace) the legacy. • Describes Lumberyard's support for input devices such as keyboards, mice, and joysticks, and shows how to set up controls and action maps. Install Pyqt For Python 3 2 Dimension.
• Describes game engine interfaces, including CryExtension, which you can use to refactor Lumberyard features into extensions for ease of use; CryString, which is a custom reference-counted string class; and a serialization library, which separates user serialization code from actual storage format and makes it easy to change formats. • Describes how to use Lumberyard Editor or the Lumberyard standalone Launcher to record benchmarking videos and capture audio. • Describes the creation and management of entities, which are objects placed inside a level that players can interact with.
This section contains topics such as creating a new entity class, entity pools, and entity scripting. • Event buses are Lumberyard's general purpose system for dispatching messages.
EBuses minimize hard dependencies between systems, are event-driven (which eliminates polling), handle concurrency well, and enable predictability by providing support for the ordering of handlers on a given bus. • Describes how to compress game content files and how to track invalid file reads that can potentially stall the performance of a game. • Lumberyard's shading core uses the same physical parameters that are used in high end film rendering pipelines. This section covers render nodes, true type font rendering, and the star data used in sky rendering.
It also describes how to control anti-aliasing so that you can produce graphics from very sharp images to softer blurred images. • Lua is Lumberyard's scripting language. This section contains a guide to writing Lua scripts for Lumberyard's component entity system, a tutorial on Lumberyard's Lua Editor, and Lua API references. • Describes GridMate, Lumberyard's networking subsystem, and contains topics on multiplayer setup, the session service, controlling bandwidth usage, and synchronizing game state using the GridMate replica framework. • Describes the Lumberyard physics system and how to interact with the physics engine. This section shows you how to create a physical world object, fill the world with geometries and physical entities, and control the entities with the functions described.
• Profiler is a Lumberyard tool that can capture, save, and analyze network, CPU, and VRAM usage statistics. You can used the saved data to analyze network usage frame by frame, fix problems in the use of network bandwidth, and optimize the performance of your game. • Learn how to expose run-time code and gem functionality as nodes in Lumberyard's Script Canvas visual authoring environment. • Contains topics on memory handling, streaming, localization, logging, and console tools. - Too often the suggestion of using games and virtual environments in an educational setting is met with skepticism and objections. Many traditionally-oriented educators are simply not aware of the benefits that come from implementing digital games into an instructional environment. Serious Games and Multi-User. Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare.