Adobe Photoshop Cs Shortcut Keys Pdfescape
• To save all changes to the current set of keyboard shortcuts, click the Save Set button. Changes to a custom set are saved. If you’re saving changes to the Photoshop Defaults set, the Save dialog box opens. Enter a name for the new set and click Save. • To create a new set based on the current set of shortcuts, click the Save Set As button. In the Save dialog box, enter a name for the new set in the Name text box, and click Save. The new keyboard shortcut set will appear in the pop‑up menu under the new name.
• To discard the last saved change without closing the dialog box, click Undo. • To return a new shortcut to the default, click Use Default.

Learn how to customize keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop. Find out how to define new shortcuts, clear shortcuts from commands or tools, delete a set of shortcuts. With Photoshop CS3, Adobe decided to go with the one column Tools palette as it’s. Adobe Photoshop CS3. You can move a it by 1 pixel with the arrow keys.
• To discard all changes and exit the dialog box, click Cancel.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Z Zoom tool H Hand tool I White Balance tool S Color Sampler tool C Crop tool A Straighten tool L Rotate image left R Rotate image right Cmnd + + (plus) Zoom in Cmnd + - (hyphen) Zoom out Cmnd Temporarily switch to Zoom In tool in Photoshop (Doesn't work when Straighten tool is selected. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Curves dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Cmnd + M Open the Curves dialog box Ctrl + Tab Select next point on the curve Shft + Ctrl + Tab Select the previous point on the curve Cmnd-click on the points Select multiple points on the curve Cmnd + D Deselect a point Select a point and press Delete. To delete a point on the curve Arrow keys Move the selected point 1 unit Shft + Arrow keys Move the selected point 10 units Optn-drag black/white point sliders Display highlights and shadows that will be clipped when working with Photoshop Curves dialog box Cmnd-click the image Set a point to the composite curve Shft + Cmnd-click the image Set a point to the channel curves Optn-click the field Toggle grid size.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using Photomerge keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command A Select Image tool when using Photoshop Photomerge R Rotate Image tool V Set Vanishing Point tool Z Zoom tool H Move View tool Spacebar Switch to Move View tool (temporary) Cmnd Z Step backward when using Photoshop Photomerge Cmnd + Shft + Z Step forward Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow Move selected image 1 pixel Optn Change Cancel to Reset Optn-move pointer over image Show individual image border. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using palettes keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Optn-click New button Set options (except for Actions, Animation, Styles,Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps palettes) in Photoshop Optn-click Delete button Delete without confirmation (except forthe Brushes palette) Shft + Return Apply value and keep text box active Cmnd-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail. Load as a selection Cmnd + Shft-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail. Add to current selection Cmnd + Optn-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail. Subtract from current selection Cmnd + Shft + Optn-click channel, path,or la Intersect with current selection Tab Show/Hide all palettes in Photoshop Shft + Tab Show/Hide all palettes except the toolbox andoptions bar Select tool and press Return Highlight options bar Shft + Up Arrow/Down Arrow Increase/decrease units by 10 in a pop-up menu.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Actions palette keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Optn-click the check mark next to a cmnd. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Animation palette Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended Only) keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Spacebar Start playing the timeline or Animation palette in Photoshop Optn + click the current-time display in the upper-left corner of the timeline. Switch between timecode and frame numbers (current time view) Optn + click on list triangles Expand and collapse list of layers Hold down the Shft key when clicking the Next/Previous Frame buttons (on either side of the Play bu Jump to the next/previous whole second in timeline (during playback) Hold down the Shft key while dragging the current time. Increase playback speed Hold down the Cmnd key while dragging the current time.
Shutter Island Ita Hdr. Decrease playback speed Shft-drag Snap an object (keyframe, the current time, layer in point, and so on) to the nearest object in timeline Optn-drag (first or last keyframe in the group) Scale (evenly distribute to condensed or extended length) a selected group of multiple keyframes. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Channels palette keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Optn-click button Set options for Save Selection as Channel button Cmnd-click Create New Channel button Create a new spot channel in Photoshop Shft-click color channel Select/deselect multiple color-channel selection Shft-click alpha channel Select/deselect alpha channel and show/hide as a rubylith overlay Double-click alpha or spot channel thumbnail Display channel options in Photoshop ~ (tilde) Display composite.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Layers palette keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Cmnd-click layer thumbnail Load layer transparency as a selection in Photoshop Cmnd-click filter mask thumbnail Load filter mask as a selection Cmnd + G Group layers Cmnd-Shft + G Ungroup layers Cmnd-Optn + G Create/release clipping mask Cmnd + Optn + A Select all layers Cmnd + Shft + E Merge visible layers Optn-click New Layer button Create new empty layer with dialog box Cmnd-click New Layer button Create new layer below target layer in Photoshop Optn +. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Paths palette keyboard shortcuts keys Shortcut Command Cmnd Shft-click pathname Add path to selection in Photoshop Cmnd + Optn-click pathname Subtract a path from selection Cmnd + Shft + Optn-click pathname Retain intersection of path as a selection Cmnd + Shft + H Hide path Optn-click button Set options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path button.